And This Is Why I Love Comics Podcast!
Once upon a time in 9th grade, one nerd met another nerd and built a life-long friendship over comic books. Now older, ornerier, and opinionated, Andy and Mike talk about all things comics, games, and joint pain.
Join Andy and Mike every MONDAY as we explore growing up in the 80’s and what it’s like to love comics now! With the help of some guest hosts, we talk comics, having comics with kids, comic conventions and surround it by picking issues to read and review!
Join us on Facebook at And This Is Why I Love Comics Podcast.
Email us at Andthisiswhyilovecomics@gmail.com
We are also on Twitter at @AndThisIsWhyIL1.
Our YouTube Channel is @andthisiswhyIlovecomicschannel
Our Patreon is @www.patreon.com/AndThisIsWhyILoveComics
Thanks to Thunder Chicken for the terrific music. Check them out on Spotify!
Disclaimer: honestly, we love comics!
Also thanks to the judges for the Best Comic Artist brackets: Katie, Nick, Jamie, Matt, Matt, Tony, and Kevin.
And This Is Why I Love Comics Podcast!
Big Bang Comics: A Classic Company with Classic Taste Part One! Plus Mimes Vs Clowns!
In this episode, Mike and Andy talk Indy Comics Company Big Bang Comics!
First though we talk about the long-awaited chat you've been asking for! Mimes Vs Clowns! Who would win? And would we even know if the Mime won?
We discuss Dr Weird and then realize the rest is going to take a more Indepth look at the company and other titles! So this is just a prelude to the next episode where we talk history and characters more. Join us for this one and look for several episodes to come out shortly after.
Thanks again to Big Bang Comics for giving us some digital copies of the books and go check them out at Indyplanet.com.
Our webpage is: https://andthisiswhyilovecomicspodcast.buzzsprout.com
Email us at AndthisiswhyIlovecomics@gmail.com
Join us on Twitter at @AndthisiswhyIL1
On Facebook at And This is Why I love Comics Podcast!
On the Tik Tok at https://www.tiktok.com/@whyilovecomicspodcast?_t=8a45YUB7iW6&_r=1
Support the show! https://www.buzzsprout.com/1824117/support or become a Patreon member
patreon.com/AndThisIsWhyILoveComics and get eventual early show release and some exclusive content.
Thanks to all our supporters and friends of the show! We couldn't do it without you!
Check out Jamie’s YouTube show at https://www.youtube.com/@jhoodcomics/featured
Thanks to Producer Katie and Assistant Producer Tony, Co-hosts Matt 2.0, Kevin, Jamie and Matt 10.0, and Nick.
Thanks to Thunder Chicken for the tunes! Check them out on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/artist/7IlO3mSZd0XlwWfzRs1kUA?si=Vv2kTfrcRWOSs7QuQ7aKYA&dl_branch=1