And This Is Why I Love Comics Podcast!
Once upon a time in 9th grade, one nerd met another nerd and built a life-long friendship over comic books. Now older, ornerier, and opinionated, Andy and Mike talk about all things comics, games, and joint pain.
Join Andy and Mike every MONDAY as we explore growing up in the 80’s and what it’s like to love comics now! With the help of some guest hosts, we talk comics, having comics with kids, comic conventions and surround it by picking issues to read and review!
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Thanks to Thunder Chicken for the terrific music. Check them out on Spotify!
Disclaimer: honestly, we love comics!
Also thanks to the judges for the Best Comic Artist brackets: Katie, Nick, Jamie, Matt, Matt, Tony, and Kevin.
And This Is Why I Love Comics Podcast!
Reviewing Jack Kirby's work on the Black Panther and New Gods! Kirby Crackle!
In this episode, Andy and Mike for once talk almost exclusively about the actual book they decided on. Marvel's Black Panther by Jack Kirby is discussed and opinions were had. Did Andy come around? Did Mike point out how silly the story was? Find out this and more!
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Thanks to all our supporters and friends of the show! We couldn't do it without you!
Check out Jamie’s YouTube show at https://www.youtube.com/@jhoodcomics/featured
Thanks to Producer Katie and Assistant Producer Tony, Co-hosts Matt 2.0, Kevin, Jamie and Matt 10.0, and Nick.
Thanks to Thunder Chicken for the tunes! Check them out on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/artist/7IlO3mSZd0XlwWfzRs1kUA?si=Vv2kTfrcRWOSs7QuQ7aKYA&dl_branch=1
The you know the soundboard went bad, so I threw the whole thing out.
You got all your stuff on the cloud, right?
What's the computer don't need it. It's just floating out there in the ether.
Right. Well, I, you know, I spent $2000 on my first.
And it was. And it was, you know, not even as powerful as my Apple Watch. You know, it's.
But you think about people who?
Remember when they lit up lamps with the guy going around lighter and.
It's only 100 megapixels and now I want a 450 megapixel.
Thing and you talk about like all the things you'd.
Have to do to prep himself for it and.
And it's like going Dang. That would be terrible to be so addicted to something and.
If I put my phone down and walked away from it for 15 hours.
Could I would I get withdrawals? Would I be?
Let me get the checklist out. Yep. Curmudgeon in old men talking technology.
Check check in check. Yep, exactly well.
You know, we stand her. We're actually sitting in rocking chairs on the front porch.
Up to turn the channels on our TV.
That's why you had kids, right? Change the channels they.
Foil on the antenna and then move it around.
That's good. Just stand right there.
Welk is on don't, don't, don't talk.
Yep, I gotta watch my stories.
Got himself in it out of that.
Yeah, yeah, we're good old days. Uh.
You're listening through and This is why I love comics.
And welcome to another episode of and This is why I Love Comics. I'm Andy.
We pick a comic and we have an full intention of talking about said comic or series or.
Thank you for the Patreon members. We are going to add more soon.
Ohh yeah, always keeping that fully freshly stocked.
I am in the midst of editing the last episode. It's a good episode. It'll be good, yeah.
Yeah, that was. I mean, it was good, but the.
Subject Matter was not necessarily the good.
Yeah, you're talking about this episode.
Yeah, yeah. So let's how do we wanna?
To at least make the attempt to announce.
Just came out and I had ordered it enough to where I got it the.
I'm ready to talk about it and I haven't read.
It yet yeah, I've read all of those.
Is that really Stephen King or is?
Like a dormand or dorm muncher. Or.
I think it's Dormammu is how they.
That Parker character and then created the character of Richard Stark as the author.
But he put them in current day.
Well, I mean, it was all about.
It was, what, four books he did.
Uh, let's see. This one is the complete collection, so it must have all of them, right?
Hope paging through it, paging through it. It probably doesn't have. Oh, it's so beautiful.
Contents the hunter. The man with the getaway face the outfit. The 7th.
Ohh so I guess it was more than I thought.
I don't remember the 7th, or if that was like a short.
Going to say the only thing is that.
Put together a several movie adaptations of the character.
Oh crap, I just blanked on the old man's name.
Of those classic actors from like The Dirty Dozen.
Mean it was just like it was just another.
Jason Statham, you know Cookie cutter movie.
Amazon does have to figure out how to send large books.
Cause I got it and it's got like a bulge, you know, around have other books.
That's where you started. That's where you should still haven't mastered at this point, right?
Right. We'll do whatever we're doing tonight and then the three heroes.
Next and then Parker, how's that? So that'll be Marvel, DC independent. That's.
Like we're we have a schedule and we're actually keeping it.
Yeah, yeah, I thought you did.
Yep, no, your audience. Yeah, proper demographic.
Not trying to offend any of you when I say I know Jack Kirby.
And I haven't even said the name of it yet. I'm I'm hoping you'll say it.
You know, somebody's gonna have to pull.
I get it. I get why people love it. I just.
Compared to what I was hoping for.
His own title under his own name and.
It's the Black Panther from 1977.
If you've ever heard of the black.
No. Yeah, I don't know. There's. I think they tried to pull.
Bitter tonight. I think I'm going to go full on Italian bitterness.
This was not the storyline I thought, so we read issues one through 6.
You know again, like there's lost Ark .1. It's a thing of mythic power and.
And but this predates Raiders lost start by quite a bit.
King Solomon's frog he doesn't get. Doesn't he give power to Shazam?
Yeah, yeah, Kiwis gives them courage, and King Salman's frog gives them an appetite for flies.
Concept of not only is there an archaeological find.
But there's in no way, shape or form. It does. The main character need.
Events carry on with or without them, so and the you know the the joke with the Indiana.
Everything he did actually ultimately came undone.
Here you could have put any any.
Ohh absolutely. I bet you there's a. There's a miniseries in the works, Sir. Has been.
Bringing back Mr. Little. Yeah. And then I don't.
Black Panther why he got involved?
There's zero reason. I mean, like I said, issue one starts off with them running.
And there's no introduction of, like, why Mr. Little partnered with Black Panther or vice versa.
Absolutely. A Black Panther book without Black Panther. I mean, there's.
Any protagonist could have been.
Weird, I don't know. Like really strange aliens and.
Yeah, man from the 6th era of humanity, the 6th era of man.
Where anything it was, it did not read.
You're trying to sneak her off there.
But in a way, I was disappointed that it it didn't.
I can't imagine anybody trying to come in and.
Pick up this title after he left it.
After that it's like OK, it lasted another three. Done. Yeah. And it's like, yeah.
Digitally, right? You did too. And.
Anybody. Batman. You know, you and it would have made as much sense like it had no ties.
I will say there is something.
You know there is something about the news print talk about old crib Hudgens.
You know the colors are a little bit more.
You know desat or not desaturated, but they're.
If we drop, you know, it's like we gotta have something with this character in it otherwise.
You know that is in our, you know, bylaws.
That we must complain about everything, good or bad.
Group of collectors, some of them. There's a the British.
No eyelids. It is interesting character design.
The foreskin of eternity? Yeah, it just goes.
Wow, it was some ridiculous. I have to pull off.
And so Black Panther and the other crew are off on another adventure, you know.
It will make your skin look younger too.
You know, with them making the trip, trying to find.
They battle it out with a Yeti and samurai.
But yeah, the quest for the sacred water.
That's what gritos, you know would.
Taco Bell. I know it's like 2 in the.
Morning. But after we hit Taco.
You know planet sized aliens, you get sucker punched.
His soft spot is this exposed brain.
You know, it's just like, yeah, I think that's a pretty obvious target.
Kind of go back to King Solomon's mind.
Things found his treasure trove and found the other.
Frog in order to send them in the from the future back to the future.
And save, you know everything.
But then they didn't move right on.
To the next story and it's like.
Character back and then it's like.
And you know, a deep, deep dive and it's like, holy crap, somebody.
Very long run, very odd stories, and throughout that as well. But he brings back.
And then the Eternals, which is again another new gods, but for the Marvel Universe.
Very similar to what we talked about with Shazam, how the shoehorned you know other.
Their other creations into their universe. I don't think new Gods or Shazam should have been.
But you know, in a way I see it and certainly the Eternals and the new gods.
Born with these powers like the X-Men were.
Powers. It's like, yeah, Thor, your costume guy.
You gotta tell me you're ordering first.
Ohh you were born OK you're ohh.
Bitten by a spider. OK, that's all right.
Nuclear. You know, gamma radiation.
Green and big and muscly. You turn into metal. Hate you. It's like doesn't make any sense.
He was a little after my collection started.
And I was much more into 80s comics and Jack Kirby was nowhere to be found, really.
Moved into animation at that point.
In my own aspects of comics, was did.
He show up on your radar, Mike.
Yeah. So you're basically saying he's kind of like Henry Ford to the modern car?
Mass production kicked in, so yeah.
Kirby. But I despised Kirby as a kid.
Like I don't understand the square. What's that?
Well, that's terrible. I'll forget it.
Ohh forget it then you know you despised him? I I gave, right? I I just gained back the listeners.
A Dateline episode where they.
Not guilty. He's guilty. Ohh, he's.
And then, like you know, you've been watching this thing for 40 minutes, the same thing.
Right, but Kirby did those square chicklets his fingers and I just couldn't get around it.
Like how to draw Marvel Comics had John B Sima, who kind of.
Fall into that in line with it didn't fall in.
Other thing, and this has nothing to do.
Well, violently ill and just the smell that news print in the comic the.
The artwork, everything and it's.
Just I always associate being ill and having ill feelings.
Up to this day, I still can't.
In February of 2018, DC came out with 100th year 100 year anniversary for Jack Kirby.
I appreciate what I do know. I it's just, you know, I've I've been blindsided by, yeah.
Have to go another 50 before we do it, but.
You know that you I will learn to.
Have turned this around and appreciate him a lot more because I.
Is a far different experience than reading. You know it's 2001.
But just disconnected because of my love for other characters or.
Yeah, yeah, there's a lot of them out there.
Whoever was going to be willing to publish it.
For let's say like Image Comics where there is no crossover.
Kirby's creations he brought in like the Celestials in there. I believe that came.
And these other, you know pivotal concept.
Did you see the Eternals movie?
No, I've I've. That's right up there with Captain Marvel. Won't see it.
I did much much later after it, when it when it came on Disney plus, I eventually saw it and.
There was. It just didn't look like there was any connection.
Yeah. Yeah. It's kind of like, whoops, how do we explain we'll just throw away line.
That'll work. You know, the first X-Men Movie.
Least give you a sense of. OK, I'm going to.
Follow I think in that the X-Men Movie was like Rogue. You saw her making a run for it then?
He meets up with Wolverine, then Wolverine.
More you know, it just makes it.
For buffer bombard are C bailin Keely Keely Neely.
Such a random departure, my son.
The joke from the previous one, or he had a set of returning characters that you became family.
It's Santa Claus and the next, you know, so it's just he's all over the place and this is very much.
In that same vein of just the.
How much creativity Kirby had?
And it was just unparalleled. His his just.
Were they all winners? No. Going back to what you mentioned earlier about the DC celebrates Kirby.
You know his man Hunter wasn't a good single issue that they had done his at.
Wasn't really that good single issue he had done.
Fabulous first or something like that.
It's been four years time like.
Would ever be a time for this particular.
Bizarre, but now I appreciate every line and you know curvy crackle and all that, you know.
Could do an amazing job with Calvin and Hobbs.
Yeah, right. What? Here's the pitch. It's a riff.
Just just know that an alternative dimension.
Just not in the least what I expected and four issues of it.
Like 4 ideas behind in reading.
This is like where is he going? What are we doing? Where?
Inside of this treasure tune, just waiting. And it's like Indiana Jones, at least had.
Somewhat believable booby traps, but a robot.
Yeah, it was. It was a bizarre, bizarre run.
Issues that I've downloaded but.
Yeah, there was a article of publisher, but they were like 2 Morrows had interviewed Alex Toe.
And there's few lines to represent as much as.
So or Kirby, you know just how much they influenced the.
That sounds familiar. I don't think I've.
I mean the cable stuff as well, but.
Heavy, heavy into Kirby aesthetics. You know the curvy.
Up and down the legs anatomy kind of arbitrary. You know, you get a sense, but it's not.
A friend of mine from college worked on a video game and for the It's called Freedom for.
I don't know if you remember that at all.
Yeah. Still my friend Rob Waters, he was the illustrator on Freedom Force and had a very.
Very strong Kirby influence on that as well.
And but it's the computers have surpassed that stuff.
Yeah, overall recommendation you.
I would recommend it to anybody who is over the age of 40.
Just deciding to go as creative as he could and being as different as he could.
And I think there's a part of it where.
It's like he decided to carve out a section of the Marvel Universe that.
He could only play in and that's what he did for Black Panther and these this particular run.
You know what happens when, Andy?
Might, and we'll turn on the Thunder chicken.
Because they turn us on salty sounds of Thunder kick in.
Little boy, go back where you came from or we'll have to put you.
Came from little boy. Go back.
Or happy put you back, little boy.
Go back where you came from or I.
Have to put you back where you came.
From little boy, go back where you came.
Uh, what am I going to do now?
Here's the last question. What character marries Luke Cage?
You got the last question right.